Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Great Handout Creator-Smore

Recently my school tech department gave me a new Chromebook, and I spent some time perusing apps. Among other things, I was looking for an easy, seamless way to make eye-catching handouts. There are so many cool infographics and neat looking handouts around these days, I thought I could make some for my students. -That turned out to be a pretty tall order! I found this app, Smore via a Twitter post. It's easy to use, and makes beautiful "flyers"!

***After writing this post, I discovered that Smore is actually not free. When you sign up, you are allotted five free flyers. After that, you have to pay. They do have a discounted educator rate.

Here is a practice handout I made that I think I will actually end up using with my freshmen: 

Here is the Tweet where I found information about Smore. If you are interested in the concept of app smashing, it is really informational!